If you’re new to Linux, mastering the command line might seem like a daunting task. But don’t worry—once you get familiar with a few basic commands, you’ll find that it’s a powerful way to interact with your system. Here’s a curated list of 50 basic Linux commands that every user should know to navigate and control the system like a pro.

1. pwdPrint Working Directory

Displays the current directory you are in. This is helpful when you get lost in the depths of your file system.


2. lsList Directory Contents

Shows the files and directories within your current location. Add options to customize the output (like ls -la to show hidden files).

ls -la

3. cdChange Directory

Allows you to move between directories. Use cd .. to move up one level or provide a full path to switch to a specific folder.

cd /var/www/html

4. touchCreate Empty Files

The easiest way to create a file without any content. Useful for placeholders or quick testing.

touch newfile.txt

5. catConcatenate and Display File Content

Combine files and show their contents. Perfect for reading smaller files right in the terminal.

cat file.txt

6. cpCopy Files or Directories

Copies files or directories from one location to another. Add -r for directories.

cp source.txt destination.txt

7. mvMove or Rename Files

Move files or directories to a new location, or rename them.

mv oldname.txt newname.txt

8. rmRemove Files or Directories

Deletes files or directories. Use with caution—once gone, it’s hard to recover files! Use -r for directories.

rm -r directory_name

9. mkdirMake a New Directory

Create new directories with this command. Add the -p option to make parent directories if they don’t exist.

mkdir -p /home/user/newdir

10. rmdirRemove Empty Directories

Deletes directories only if they are empty. If not, use rm -r.

rmdir emptydir

11. echoDisplay Text or Variables

Use echo to print a string of text or the value of a variable to the terminal.

echo "Hello World"

12. nanoSimple Text Editor

Nano is a beginner-friendly text editor. It runs in the terminal and is ideal for quick edits.

nano file.txt

13. viAdvanced Text Editor

Vi is a powerful, feature-rich text editor. It’s often a bit more complex, but ideal for seasoned users.

vi file.txt

14. chmodChange File Permissions

Modifies the read, write, and execute permissions for files and directories.

chmod 755 script.sh

15. chownChange File Owner

Change the ownership of files and directories. You can also assign groups.

chown user:group filename

16. findSearch for Files

Search for files within a directory structure. This command is highly customizable with parameters like -name or -type.

find /home -name "*.log"

17. grepSearch Text Patterns

Extract specific lines from files based on patterns. Perfect for filtering log files.

grep "error" logfile.txt

18. manManual Pages

Shows the manual for a command, offering in-depth explanations of usage and options.

man ls

19. psProcess Status

Displays information about active processes.

ps aux

20. killTerminate a Process

Kill a process by specifying its PID (Process ID).

kill 1234

21. topSystem Monitor

A real-time process viewer that displays system resource usage like CPU and memory.


22. dfDisk Space Usage

Reports available disk space on your file systems.

df -h

23. duEstimate File Space Usage

Shows the disk usage of files and directories. Add -h for human-readable output.

du -h /home/user

24. freeMemory Usage

Displays the amount of free and used memory in the system.

free -m

25. unameSystem Information

Print detailed system information. Add -a to get all system details.

uname -a